A new version,, has been released to the Beta version of List Perfectly. If you have the Beta version installed now, your version may automatically update.
- Vestiaire – Crossposting to Vestiaire from your List Perfectly catalog and from all supported mareketplaces is now supported.
- Shopify – Full support is now available for all Shopify accounts.
- Known issues in this version:
- Vestiaire – Importing listings from Vestiaire to your List Perfectly catalog or crossposting from Vestiaire to any supported mareketplace is not supported.
- Shopify – The update feature is currently not working on Shopify.
Click below to remove and install the most updated version.
With recent updates to List Perfectly we strongly recommend completely clearing your cache for all time when adding a new version.
- Google Chrome – Clear your cache by selecting the 3 dots at the top right → choose more tools → clear browsing data → clear cache ONLY for all time.
- Microsoft Edge – Clear your cache by selecting the 3 dots at the top right → choose history → choose the 3 dots that display → clear browsing data → clear cache ONLY for all time.