We’ve been waiting a very long time for our newest beta to be released (was pending in Google for weeks) but now we’re happy to report it’s available for testing!

Included in Version are a lot of updates and fixes you need, so we recommend installing it as soon as possible.

It also includes a test version for Grailed Marketplace!

Grailed is a men’s marketplace known for streetwear.  If you want to try it out please install the latest Beta Version by going to “Help & News” then select “Software versions & Beta”

Or click here

As always please let us know if you have any issues at all by sending a help request or click here


We fixed a bug that was not clicking the marketplace buttons automatically for you as shown in the screenshot below


Now, when you import or export listings we will automatically click the marketplace buttons so you don’t have to.  Your listing links on LP will show in your listings view and will work to take you directly to the listing:


As a result of this fix the “Sold” button may also work better, but we need your feedback on this before we can say for sure.  If you have any issues let us know

Starting on Friday 11/22 Mercari has been changing their listings page daily which made the LP Copy buttons on Mercari not show, or cause issues with Mercari screens freezing up.

We’ve been adding new betas all week doing our best to keep up, but it seemed like daily Mercari would make a new change that affected our fix.  This new version hopefully will be the last for a bit of time, if you’re having Mercari issues please try installing this new version

If it doesn’t work for you, please let us know and try switching back to the current version

Please click here for the extension, each version is labeled:

and here for instructions on how to remove and install extensions:

This is a beta version, so if you have any issues let us know by submitting a help request