A new version,, has been released to the BETA version of List Perfectly. If you have the BETA version installed now, your version may automatically update. Click below to remove and install the most updated version.
With recent updates to List Perfectly we strongly recommend completely clearing your cache and cookies for all time when adding a new version.
- Google Chrome – Clear your cache and cookies by selecting the 3 dots at the top right > choose more tools > clear browsing data > clear cache and cookies for all time.
- Microsoft Edge – Clear your cache and cookies by selecting the 3 dots at the top right > choose history > clear browsing data > clear cache and cookies for all time.
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- eBay – Fix for brand alert message always displaying
- eBay – Fix for weight crossposting from eBay
- Depop – Update for titles crossposting from Depop
- Depop – Updates to marking SOLD on synced Depop listings
- Facebook – LP is now offering additional support for FB’s set to display different languages! Please note that with recent updates category MUST be selected before the condition, description, and other specific details will copy over.
- Facebook – Fix for material field crossposting to and from FBM
- Facebook – Fix for multiple tags copying to and from FBM
- Facebook – Fix for unique issue where selecting specific categories resulted in title changes
- Facebook – Updates for crossposting icons loading on active listings on FBM
- Facebook – Updates for some unique listing forms on FBM. Please note that FBM makes frequent changes or places some users in unique views. At times these changes can cause an interruption.
- Grailed – Update for up to 25 images crossposting to and from Grailed
- Heroine – NEW RELEASE! Full support for Heroine marketplace now available.
- Heroine – Update for up to 25 images crossposting to and from Heroine.
- Poshmark – Fix for sizes copying to Poshmark and a click was required for the size to copy
- Poshmark – Fix for sizes copying from Poshmark
- Tradesy -Update for titles crossposting from Tradesy