Hey everyone!

We’re working hard daily to deliver improvements you’ve been asking for.  Today’s beta release is really important because it addresses some issues people were having as well as adds some highly requested features.

Scroll all the way down to watch the video!

Get the beta by clicking here

What’s new:

  • Prompt for login.  Many people were confused because the “Copy to LP” button was hidden unless logged into LP.  Now, the extension lets you know if logged in or not with a button that goes directly to our login page
  • Copy to LP buttons added to Etsy and Mercari!  Now, you can copy your existing listings from these sites into LP and send them anywhere
  • Other fixes for Mercari, let us know if Mercari works any better for you with this release!

Get the beta by clicking here

If you are getting the grayed out List button on Mercari (rather than orange, see screenshot) then you’ll want to remove the LP extension you currently have and install the Beta version.


You’ll find the beta and instructions here: https://app.listperfectly.com/beta/


If you have the Beta version but are still having the grayed out button, it’s most likely because:

  • Your version number is not at least 0.8.4.  If so, you’ll still want to remove and add the updated beta from the link above.  You can find the version by right-clicking the List Perfectly extension in the upper right corner of your browser and select “Manage Extensions”.  The next window will show the current version number.
  • Something in the Mercari form is not completely filled out.  Many people are missing something on Mercari’s listing form, so be certain to check every required field.


As many of you know, Mercari changed their listing page and we’ve been working for days on this.

Normally when we have a fix we’d push the update to everyone, however Mercari is still showing the old listing form to many people and we want to be certain our extension will still work for everyone.


We had a bug where limits were not being placed on the catalog for the subscription purchased.  So rather than surprising those over the limit with a bill at the end of the month, we implemented a fix so catalogs can no longer go over the limit.

To avoid service interruption either delete listings you do not want to keep on LP or upgrade your subscription.  Note, there’s no need to upgrade if you’re below your catalog limits.

If you don’t know what your plan limit is or have any issues click here

How to delete your listings faster: Hold down Control key (PC) or Option key (Mac) while clicking Delete to delete listings faster.

How to upgrade your catalog:  Go to “Account” then “Subscription”.  Your current subscription will be displayed. Click “Change Plan” and select the option that works for the number of items you have in your catalog as shown.



Scroll down for updated info

Mercari changed their listing form resulting in a grayed out List button after copying a product from LP.  As a result we’ve been working for 2 days to make updates so that Mercari continued to work.  We had a few unintentional outages in the process lasting for around 5 minutes each between Friday and Saturday.

An update has been completed on our platform as well as a new updated beta version of the extension that fixes the grayed out List button on Mercari.

It also includes a very basic integration for Tradesy which is still untested and in development.  For example, you need to be sure to change the category (we’re automatically selecting dresses, so you’ll need to update this) before submitting your item.

You can find the new beta version 0.7.3 here: https://app.listperfectly.com/beta/


***UPDATE 9/19: Mercari is switching when the old and new listing form is displayed randomly, so we have been working on a fix so that the Beta extension will automatically work for either form.  The update should be available by tomorrow afternoon 9/20/19.

We’re doing additional maintenance tonight, Monday September 16th from 9pm-6am PST.

We’re starting 2 hours earlier than originally scheduled so we can have enough time to get everything done and get back online as quickly as possible.  The site may go up and down without warning during this time period so be prepared!

Thanks for your understanding!

In this new section of List Perfectly we’ll share our development notes, upcoming maintenance schedules and anything else related to LP!

To make room for it, we moved our help docs under the menu heading “Help & News.”

As always, if you need to get in touch please go to Help, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “How can we help?”

Stay tuned!