Mercari Update – 9/23

If you are getting the grayed out List button on Mercari (rather than orange, see screenshot) then you’ll want to remove the LP extension you currently have and install the Beta version.


You’ll find the beta and instructions here:


If you have the Beta version but are still having the grayed out button, it’s most likely because:

  • Your version number is not at least 0.8.4.  If so, you’ll still want to remove and add the updated beta from the link above.  You can find the version by right-clicking the List Perfectly extension in the upper right corner of your browser and select “Manage Extensions”.  The next window will show the current version number.
  • Something in the Mercari form is not completely filled out.  Many people are missing something on Mercari’s listing form, so be certain to check every required field.


As many of you know, Mercari changed their listing page and we’ve been working for days on this.

Normally when we have a fix we’d push the update to everyone, however Mercari is still showing the old listing form to many people and we want to be certain our extension will still work for everyone.