Resolved Technical Issues

View all past issues that are now resolved here.

Select a Platform logo to view resolved technical issues on that site 

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20

PlatformDescriptionVideoWork Around or FixStatusResolved:

Price is not importing correctly from Facebook

When importing from Facebook, the price is not copying over correctly.

The workaround for this would be to enable "Do Not Automatically Save Listing When Importing to List Perfectly" in your LP extension settings and change the listing to the correct price.

Our development team is aware of this issue and is working diligently on a fix. They will provide an update as soon as possible.

FixedNovember 18, 2023

Listings not copying with correct details from Facebook


Fixed in beta version


Select users have access to a new listing form on Facebook which is causing an interruption when copying from Facebook.

As a temporary workaround, use the extension setting "Do not automatically save listing when imported to List Perfectly" and make any adjustments that are needed before saving to your catalog.

To access this setting, click the LP icon located in the top right corner of your browser > Choose "Settings" > Enable "Do not automatically save listing when imported to List Perfectly"

Additionally, make any needed adjustments to your listings when copying from Facebook to any of the supported marketplaces.

FixedSeptember 7, 2023

Crossposting to Facebook Currently Interrupted

It appears that Facebook is currently having some technical issues with their image manager which is causing an interruption with listing details being copied during a crosspost.

At this time, our development team is reviewing this further and will provide a work around and/or update as soon as possible.

FixedJune 19, 2023

Importing and crossposting from Facebook is interrupted

Facebook has updated and have made changes to their listing form for some users. For the users that have had their listing form changed, this has caused an interruption when attempting to import or crosspost from the new Facebook listing form.

Fixed in beta version.

To download the newest beta version please visit: 

FixedMay 25, 2023

Facebook Shipping Section Interrupted

It appears that Facebook is currently having a technical issue that is not allowing users to select their shipping/delivery options.

We will continue to monitor this and provide an update when Facebook resolves the issue.

General InfoFebruary 18, 2023

Images not loading when copying to Facebook

If you are experiencing an issue where images are not loading when crossposting to Facebook, please confirm if you have any other extensions installed, especially ones that offer sharing tools or automated services. At times these programs cause conflicts and interruptions.

Disable any other extensions you have installed by choosing the puzzle icon →  choose manage extensions and temporarily turn off ALL other extensions.

You can also add LP to another browser where no other extensions are installed and attempt the crosspost there.

If you continue to have an issue after disabling other extensions, please provide a sample recording showing the attempted crosspost and we will be able to provide a resolution.

General InfoFebruary 20, 2024

When crossposting from Facebook Marketplace to any supported marketplace or importing to your List Perfectly catalog, the title field is being populated with the listing price.

Fixed in Beta


FixedDecember 1, 2022

Blank Listing Form when Crossposting or Importing from Facebook Marketplace

At times when crossposting or importing from Facebook to LP or any of the supported marketplaces, a blank listing form is being opened for the marketplace(s) a user is crossposting or importing to.

Fixed in version

A current workaround for this issue is to enable the "Leave edit tabs open when copying listings" setting within your LP extension settings.

To enable this setting, please follow these steps:

  • Click the LP icon located in top right corner of your browser
  • Choose Settings
  • Enable "Leave edit tabs open when copying listings"

Our development team is reviewing this further and will release an update as soon as possible.

FixedOctober 7, 2022

Shipping weight not crossposting to Facebook Marketplace

Shipping weight is being determined by category selection by Facebook Marketplace whether crossposting your listing or creating your listing directly on Facebook Marketplace.

Watch Video

We are continuing to monitor this situation.  Please review the sample video.

General InfoFebruary 20, 2024

Details not copying to FBM

After some recent FBM updates details will copy to new listings, but select users are affected by a listing reset after selecting "next" which results in the FB listing being reset and details being removed.

This has been resolved after some recent FB updates and is no longer reported.

If the LP "recopy" button is available after this reset, select to recopy the details.

We are monitoring this update, working with development and will provide an update ASAP.

FixedMarch 24, 2022

Copying from FB and details are not copying

After some recent updates from Facebook there are select users and listings that when crossposted the details are not copying correctly.

Fix available in version

We are working with the development team to review these changes and will provide an update ASAP.

FixedMarch 28, 2022

Crosspost Icons on Facebook

After a recent update to the Facebook Marketplace seller dashboard, please navigate to "Your Listings" to crosspost from Facebook Marketplace. Below is a direct link to this page:

General InfoMarch 23, 2022

Crossposting and Publishing Listings to Facebook is Currently Interrupted 

When crossposting to Facebook Marketplace, some users are unable to publish the listing and receive an error. This issue is currently affecting users listing directly to Facebook as well. Please try to create a listing directly to Facebook to confirm if you can successfully publish a listing that way.

Restored after Facebook updates.

General InfoMarch 9, 2022

Details not copying to Facebook.

After some recent updates there is a current issue with condition not copying and causing an interruption to certain details not copying during the crosspost. Please see work around video. Fix coming soon.

Watch Video

Fixed - Version


During the crosspost select category --> click the "Re-Copy" button

FixedMarch 9, 2022

Size not copying to Facebook. 

Select users have access to a unique size selection menu that is not fully supported at this time. Sample screenshot below shows the size menu that is not fully supported at this time.

Fix available in version

FixedMarch 28, 2022

Quantity not copying to Facebook

Fixed - Version



Quantity is currently not copying to Facebook listing forms that offer a quantity specific field. Fix coming soon.

FixedMarch 9, 2022

Missing "re-copy" option when crossposting to Facebook Marketplace.

Fixed - Version



Fix coming soon.

FixedMarch 9, 2022

"Something went wrong" Error From Facebook.

Receiving an error message when trying to publish listings on Facebook with or without crossposting with LP.

Watch Video

Possible workaround: 

  1. Attempt to save your listing.
  2. If the error is received, edit your listing's weight in the shipping section.
  3. Re-attempt to save your listing.

We will continue to monitor and update if any other workarounds may be available when receiving this error message directly from Facebook.

FixedFebruary 20, 2024

Weight not copying to FBMP.

Shipping weight is currently not copying to new FBMP listings for accounts that have access to input exact weight. Fix is being worked on and will be released soon.

Fixed - Version

FixedMarch 9, 2022
Item number and status not updated after publishing listings on Facebook from LP. 
When crossposting to FBMP and you are experiencing an issue of item numbers and statuses not updating after publishing the listing we recommend:
  • Copying 1 – 3 listings to FBMP
  • Copying directly to FBMP vs part of a large crosspost to all marketplaces.
Facebook makes frequent changes, releases new options, places users in experimental views, etc. which can cause an interruption and unexpected behavior at times. We are aware that select users may be affected by this while most are not. We are working towards offering support for all of these changes, but please note that if your account is affected you may experience some difficulties while crossposting to and from Facebook.If you proceed to submitting a support ticket please provide a sample recording showing the full listing form on FBMP which will allow us to identify unique views and options which may be causing an issue.
Watch Video

Fixed - Version



Update 12/08/21: Most recent "Beta Version". has been working well for affected Facebook accounts. We've pushed this version of beta to Current version, and are pending release by Google.

Update 11/24/21: Some updates have been made and are available in "Beta Version".

Watch video for best practice for manually updating item numbers in your LP Catalog.

FixedMarch 9, 2022
PlatformDescriptionVideoWork Around or FixStatusResolved: