Displaying 126 - 150 of 359

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Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueNew Feature

Add sold specific columns to the sold tab, allow to be turned on to view in other tabs as well.

Starting price
sold date
profit calculation (if we are adding that function to the new catalog)

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueSuggestion

Each time a catalog tab is clicked, the entire catalog refreshes even when no search/sort/filter have been applied, or when nothing has been updated. This is not necessary.

We will be optimizing this behavior soon.

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueBug

Navigation styling bug: the menus that open from the left are behind some page elements

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueSuggestion

Improved catalog sorting in development.

Updated to show sorting icon only when the columns are selected to sort.

Show menu to select Ascending, Descending, and Clear Sort

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueCritical Fix

Title is not sortable. Add support for sorting title

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueNew Feature

Add individual column filtering. Every column should have a filter search box.


Added but working on fixing bugs. Will be returned to catalog soon

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueSuggestion

Remove navigation links inside any page displayed in modal


For now, please do not click on any header links inside modal pages. The buttons for adding a new listing, save progress, etc are fine to click on.

Live FixedJuly 31, 20233AmandaCatalog IssueCritical Fix

Sorting some columns such as Price shows empty or zero values first in each direction, both descending and ascending.

A fix will be deployed for column sorting sometime in the next 24-48 hours.

When deploy is in progress, new listings will not show up in the new catalog for approximately 10 minutes, but will continue to show in your old catalog.

All other features such as bulk edit will continue to work as expected.

Live FixedAugust 8, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

When bulk editing from the main catalog view you are unable to add in " . " to add cents to prices.

For prices that need to be edited to include cents, please complete the edit in the specific listing.

Live FixedAugust 10, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

Search filter tag issue: When applying a search, then entering bulk edit, then saving results in the search tags being removed, but the search is not cleared.

If searches are retained but the tags are not shown, then manually remove the search by deleting.

Live FixedAugust 15, 202316651PatrickCatalog IssueBug

Thumbnail picture in main catalog view not showing updated background being removed.

After removing a background on the main image the thumbnail may not update to show those changes. The background is still removed.

This has been fixed.

Live FixedAugust 26, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

Unable to control default templates

As a temporary workaround visit https://app.listperfectly.com/templates/ to control default templates.

Live FixedAugust 29, 202316651PatrickCatalog IssueBug

Unable to mark sold from "inventory and sales"

This will be fixed very soon, but in the meantime please mark sold or end listings from the main catalog view with the crosspost icon.

Live FixedAugust 29, 202316651PatrickCatalog IssueBug

Unable to mark sold from "inventory and sales"

This will be fixed very soon, but in the meantime please mark sold or end listings from the main catalog view with the crosspost icon.

Live FixedSeptember 20, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

Second Page of Drafts Misbehaving

Open In ProgressSeptember 28, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

Duplicate listings

Open In ProgressSeptember 28, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

Duplicate listings

Open In ProgressOctober 1, 20232161pleasantcreationsshop@gmail.comCatalog IssueBug

Getting multiple windows opening when bulk cross posting.

Live FixedOctober 10, 202316651PatrickCatalog IssueBug

Update feature on new extension version:

This latest version 0.112.01 does have some current issues that are being resolved. At this time we would recommend using the feature, be monitor the status menu for possible errors when performing updates from the extension.

If needed you can also turn off the background updates with the extension setting that will allow the update to process in a new visible tab.

Live FixedOctober 10, 202316651PatrickCatalog IssueBug

Known issues with Extension version

-Mercari - at times dimensions are not copying to Mercari
-Instagram - during the crosspost it will appear that an IG post is trying to be created twice. Close the first popup window.
-LP - At times when clicking the crosspost icon, you may see duplicated buttons. Hold shift and refresh to reset the extension.

 Display Status Status Date User ID User Select Issue type Available to troubleshoot? Description I have submitted a screen recording for review Video Screenshot Workaround or Fix Platform Entry ID Notes